How to Spend Valentine’s When You’re Single
These are the top 20 ways you can spend Valentine’s when you’re single, and the BEST things singles can do on Valentine’s day.
Once you start treating Valentine’s day as what it truly is – just a gimmick day, you’ll start seeing it as such. It will lose its significance, and you won’t feel as bad anymore, if at all. You won’t feel like you’re missing out. In fact, you’ll probably start seeing it as a silly day. If someone wants to celebrate this day, that’s their choice, and each person should do as they please. Personally, I don’t think you need one specific day a year to celebrate anything, especially love. Love can and should be celebrated every single day of the year. And every type of love should be celebrated – platonic and romantic love, as well as your own self-love, which is far too often overlooked and neglected.
Is it OK to be alone on Valentine’s day? Of course it is, just like it’s okay to be in a relationship on Valentine’s day. What can singles do on Valentine’s day? Anything you feel like doing – whether it’s nothing at all, going about your regular routine, or celebrating yourself and other relationships in your life. If you’re asking yourself… “How do I get over being alone on Valentine’s day?” The answer is – just do something with yourself on this day that will help you appreciate your single status and enjoy it. Do something that celebrates it, your self-relationship and self-love.
Celebrate with friends and family
Yes, valentines day may be primarily for romantic love and couples. But that doesn’t mean we cannot utilise it instead to celebrate other loves and relationships in our life. Instead of wallowing over the one relationship you don’t have, this is a great opportunity to celebrate the multiple relationships you do have.
1. Go out with your friends
Even if your friends are coupled up, they may not want to celebrate it with their significant others. They may do that every year and want to change it up a bit. Or perhaps arrange an outing for you and your other single friends. Focus on just having fun and celebrating your friendship.
2. Invite friends over
If you don’t feel like going out, you can also invite some friends over to your place and arrange a nice meal and drinks. You can also do a house-party or just a movie night. Either way, this is a great opportunity to not be alone on this day, and even celebrate it.
3. Go to your friends house
Alternatively, you can also go over to a friend’s house who is either arranging something already, or suggest to them to arrange one together. Again, even if your friends aren’t single, they may also want to do a dinner-party or movie night with all their friends. Even if this event includes significant others, if they’re good friends and if you feel comfortable with them.. You won’t feel awkward and they won’t let you feel like the odd one out.
4. Arrange a family outing / hangout
If all of your friends are busy, or like me, your family members are your friends, this is a great opportunity to celebrate with them. A true family that really cares won’t let you feel left out or odd for being single and alone.
5. Arrange a ‘singles’ valentine’s with your single friends
It’s very likely that you’re not the only single person in your area. Even if you don’t have any single close friends or family, there may be others in your vicinity. You can ask around, check on facebook groups or ask your colleagues, neighbours, friends of friends, or people you know from church or synagogue. Perhaps you can even find another friend who’s arranging something, or wants to arrange one with you.
Go to a singles event
If you don’t have any friends or family to hangout / go out with, if they’re busy or you just don’t want to… You can also do something different and go to a pre-planned event. This may require investing some money into it, but at least it gives you something to do, without having to find the people to do it with and without doing the planning.
6. Go on a pub-crawl
If you like going out, drinking, music and meeting new people, If you don’t want a night in, and don’t want something too intricate, this will be perfect for you. You can just go out and have fun, and not even worry about being alone… Because you likely won’t be the only one alone, and everyone will be too distracted to care, not to mention – tipsy or drunk.
7. Participate in a workshop
If you feel like doing something with a bit more substance and added value, and probably even earlier in the evening or day… You can choose a nice workshop. This can also be a great way to spend quality alone time, as well as discover or develop a hobby or skill. You can also meet new people, especially with a common interest.
8. Speed dating or mixers
If you want to take advantage of this day to actually meet someone, and advance towards finding your own relationship… A great way to do so is by actually going out to events and meeting people. If you don’t even know how or where to do so, a singles event / mixer is a great option, at least as a starting point.
9. Yoga, pilates or dancing classes
This is yet another great way to either discover or develop a hobby. It’s also a wonderful workout and a great way to take care of yourself and your body. It gets you out of the house, gives you something to do, without even having to celebrate anything if you don’t want to. And yet again, it’s a great way to meet new people.
10. Tour, day trip or staycation for singles
If you feel like going all out and doing something more exciting and different, you can also go on a tour or trip for singles. Look up online for planned trips and tours in your area, or another city that you’d like to go to. If you can’t find anything to your liking perhaps you can even arrange one for you and your single friends.
Take yourself on a self-date
We get so caught up in feeling miserable over not having a romantic relationship to celebrate, or in celebrating every other relationship in our life… That we forget to celebrate the most important relationship – our own self-relationship. And what better way to do that, than with a proper self-date? This is also a great way to spend some quality alone time.
11. Home Spa-day
This is not only a great opportunity to take good care of yourself, with some much needed pampering… It also allows you to take a proper, nourishing break from your life and routine. A home spa-date will help you feel good in the moment, as well as help you recharge and feel better for the future. And you don’t even have to leave the house for it.
12. Home-cooked dinner
A great way to show yourself some much needed appreciation is by cooking your favourite meal. Or just investing some time and energy into making something special for yourself. Cooking can also be fun and therapeutic and a great activity to do with yourself, as well as helps you develop a good, useful skill.
13. Picnic date
If you feel like getting out of the house a bit, and getting some fresh air, especially out in nature… You can head to a nice park, forest, beach or any other place you like in your area. If you feel awkward you can try to find a quiet spot that isn’t busy, or where not many people go. This picnic self-date is also a great way to start feeling more comfortable in your own company, and being seen out of the house alone.
14. Movie night
This movie night self-date is the perfect date night if you feel like you just need to shut off your brain for a while and give it a much needed break. Put on a good movie, or binge watch a series, and grab your favourite snacks and drinks. This may not be the best quality alone time, but at least it gives you some time to just be with yourself and do nothing. Just relax.
15. DIY / arts & crafts
If you wake up with an itch for change or to do something more active and creative, this crafty self-date is perfect for you. You can either order an arts & crafts subscription box, or you can go to a local art supply shop. If you feel like doing something bigger, you can also do a DIY project around the house. A great way to do this is to get inspired on Pinterest.
Go on a trip
If you’re in the mood to go out, to get away for a bit from your day-to-day life, you can also just literally go away. When you’re on a trip you’re also so caught up in the excitement and are too distracted to even care about insignificant things like being single on Valentine’s Day. You’re also more likely to meet fellow solo travellers, who are also alone.
16. Go on a staycation
The easiest and simplest way to go on a solo trip, is to not go far. Especially if you’re on a budget or time-crunch. You can go to another city or town in your country, or even a city in a different country if you live by a border. Alternatively, you can go stay with friends or family who live in another city or town, which can also feel like a vacation.
17. Go on a day trip
If you can’t or don’t have the option of going away for the night, you can also just go on a day trip. Either hop on a bus or train to another city or town in your country and just explore it or do some local attractions. Or join a group on a guided tour / day trip.
18. Vacation at home
You can also choose to create a ‘holiday environment’ in your own home, if you don’t have the budget or time to get away. Put your phone on flight mode, order some nice food and drinks, watch a good movie or series, and just relax. You can also combine this with a day trip, or any other local attractions you feel like doing.
19. Fly somewhere abroad
If you have the time and budget for it, and especially if you have that itch to get away, you can also fly somewhere nice. You don’t even have to go far, there are plenty of cheap flights on charter sites. This is also a wonderful opportunity to start planning your first solo trip. As well as just getting away and taking a much needed break, changing up your scenery and surroundings. Don’t forget to check out my 35 tips & tricks for travelling alone before you embark on your solo trip.
20. Arrange a family / friends / singles vacation
If you have the itch to get away, but don’t want to go on your own, you can also try to arrange a family or friends vacation. Again, if they’re decent people they won’t make you feel uncomfortable, and if you don’t make a big deal about it, neither will they. Nor will it even be a big deal. This is just a great opportunity to get away together, bond and have fun.
Just do what you feel like doing
Again there is no shortage of what singles can do on Valentine’s day. Nor is there one right way to spend Valentine’s Day whether you’re single or not. At the end of the day, Valentine’s Day will be what you make of it. Sure you can wallow and spend the day crying over the relationship you don’t have. Or you can suck it up and do something about it, find ways to spend this day that help you get out of that mind-space, and into a better, more positive one. You can even choose to do nothing at all, you probably even have to work as usual – so just go about your day. We are the ones that attach significance, so just choose not to do that. This is just another regular day, and you can do with it what you will. It’s also a great opportunity to just stay in and relax, be with yourself and learn to feel comfortable and good in it.
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Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong!
Michal B.L.

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