Tips & Tricks for Travelling Alone
These are the top 35 tips, tricks and advice for travelling alone, especially if it’s your first solo trip, to help you make the most of it and make it the BEST it…
How to Plan Your First Solo Trip
These are the top 6 steps to help you build and plan for your first solo trip, as well as prepare yourself for it.
Solo Travel – Top 6 Cafes to Work From in Innsbruck + Tips
These are the top 6 cafes in Innsbruck to work from or just sit and write or read, when you’re travelling and working remotely.
Top Things to Do Alone in Salzburg
Traveling alone in Salzburg - These are the top 7 things to alone in Salzburg, for solo travelers.
Top 4 Cafes in Salzburg to Work From
Best cafes for solo travelers. These are the top 4 cafes in Salzburg to work from or just sit and write or read, when you're traveling and working remotely.
Travelling Single Women in Salzburg
Tips, tricks & advice for the traveling and working single women in Salzburg during COVID.
Alone at Airports, Stations and Trains
These are my top tips and advice for solo travelers when alone at airports, stations and trains. One of the biggest predicaments for solo travel is during transportation from one destination to another.…
Traveling Single Women in Vienna
Tips, tricks & advice for the traveling and working single women in Vienna during COVID. In this post: Now that we’ve learned how to create a packing list and how to pack efficiently,…
How to Pack for a Solo Eurotrip
These are my top tips & tricks to help you learn how to pack for a solo Eurotrip, properly and efficiently.
Packing List for Solo Euro-Trip
How to create a proper packing list for a solo Euro-trip (to any one European country or multiple countries).