Home Alone Movie Date Night
How to create a perfect home alone movie date night for yourself, in five simple and easy steps.
In this blog post:
- Tips to go all out
- Choose a great movie
- Have some yummy snack and drinks
- Create a comfortable environment
- Let go of everything else and all responsibilities
- Disconnect – Try not to distract yourself with your phone or chat with other people
Going to the cinema alone is something that I have wanted to try out for quite a while now, but never had the courage to. Ever since I started this blog, and even more so since I focused on writing about single life… I have gained more courage and finally felt ready to go for it. Unfortunately though, this revolution happened during the Coronavirus pandemic, and all cinemas have been closed for quite a while now, so it’s not possible.
So, I put that idea on the back burner for now, and decided to be a bit creative instead. Once I made the decision, I was surprised by how simple and easy it was, yet had never actually made a whole thing about it before. I mean, I watch many shows all the time alone, especially during the lockdown. But making myself a whole home movie date, with the intention to make it special, actually felt very different.
It may sound silly, and it may not seem like anything unique or special, but if you put that extra effort into it, it can be truly amazing. Not to mention, a great way to spend some quality time with yourself.
Tips to go all out:
- Get your hands on a home projector, or a big screen TV.
- Turn off your phone, or just put it aside.
- Combine with a nice meal – perhaps your favourite takeout.
- Get everything prepared in advance, so you don’t have to keep getting up.
- Put on some nice fairy lights or candles.

1. Choose a great movie

This may seem like the simplest step, and on the surface, it is. But don’t be fooled, because if you choose the wrong movie it can potentially ruin the whole evening. Or at least the whole intention behind it, and turn it into something that it isn’t. It is basically the essence of your home alone movie date night. Part of making this date special, and differentiating it from any other evening where you sit around and binge watch, is by choosing a good movie. Which is basically the core of the whole date.
If possible, try to go for one of the new releases, which were published on the ”online theatres”. That way it will feel more like a special movie you watch at the cinema. But also choosing an old movie is great, preferably one you’ve never seen before and will keep you captivated. One that won’t give you space to get distracted and try to occupy yourself with other things.
2. Have some yummy snack and drinks

Well, isn’t this the secret to any good date? I mean, a great way to one’s heart is through their belly, and the same goes when it’s yourself to your own heart. I love me some popcorn, and of course no movie can go without a generous bowl of the delicious snack. However, seeing as this is a special date, I also like to start off with a nice takeaway meal. Choose one of your all time favourite dishes and maybe even an extra side dish to complete your perfect meal.
For me it was a tub of chicken fried rice, with some yummy chicken wings – which are both great dishes for a movie night. But really, it can be anything you like. I’m not a huge sweet beverages fan, I’m a water girl all the way, but if you do like any soft drinks, go ahead and splurge on that too. Once I’m done with my meal and water, and on to the popcorn, I do like to pour myself a nice glass of Pinot Grigio to complete the whole date perfectly. You can also splurge on some candy, chocolate and whatever else your heart desires.
3. Create a comfortable environment

Once again, in order to make this home alone movie date night feel different from any other evening, make sure to create a unique environment that will make it feel different. This means, setting up a comfortable space, on the couch or in your bed – maybe even change it up a bit if you can. Try to move things around to make it feel more like a home theatre, and not just like your bedroom or lounge.
If you can try to even splurge on a little home projector. They have some really nice cheap ones you can purchase online, or even borrow from a friend. This will actually make a huge difference in making this date a success. Also, you can light some nice scented candles to make it even more romantic and special.
4. Let go of everything else and all responsibilities

We always find something to worry our pretty little minds with, it’s unfortunately all too easy. And so hard to prevent or try and stop. But when you take yourself out on dates, and especially a movie one at home when there’s not much besides the movie to distract you, try your hardest to just let go. Don’t think of all the other things you need to be doing, tasks you need to complete or something that happened with work or your friends. There is a time and place for that too, and it’s not during your precious “you time”.
Because this date takes place at home, it will be all too tempting to do other things, and you need to put in that extra effort. So as hard as it may be, let go of all your responsibilities, just like you do on any other date you have with friends and significant others. If your mind wanders, and you can’t stop the nagging thoughts of all the things you need to be doing – Just remind yourself just how important this is, too. Pampering yourself, dating yourself and maintaining that relationship you have with you, is no less important than your daily tasks, if not more.
5. Disconnect – Try not to distract yourself with your phone or chat with other people

Believe me, I’m well aware of how difficult this is. I’m the queen of doing other distracting things while watching movies. My friends get so frustrated with me about this, and I just can’t help it. I have to occupy myself with something else while I’m watching a movie. But while taking myself on a home alone movie date night, I tried to put in that extra effort. Also to make it feel different, like I mentioned before. And also to be able to really focus on myself, and getting comfortable in my own company. Learn how to enjoy my own company.
So, I try not to be too strict on myself, because that just makes it more strained. But if I need some form of other occupation, I try to not reach for my phone automatically, and maybe go for something else instead. Like sudoku, fidget games, applying nail polish, drawing, knitting, puzzles etc.
Furthermore, make sure not to chat with other people, and definitely don’t scroll through social media. Just focus on you. Which is why I think that leaving your phone aside is the best. Because even if you have no intention to, it can get all too easy to get sucked in. and once you do, you’re no longer present in your date. Again, you need to think of this just like any other date. When you’re out with your friends, you won’t sit there on your phones, playing or chatting with other people. So try to pay yourself the same respect.
Creating a home alone movie date night, may sound simple and easy at first, but really it’s not quite as you’d think. Mainly because so many of us watch movies and shows on a daily basis, especially these days with all the lockdowns. So you really have to get creative and add some extra tweaks and unique touches, if you want it to stand out and feel special. So you can really date yourself properly and make the most of it.
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Happy viewing!
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong!
All my best,
Michal B.L.
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