Single Life Blog

Self Love Affirmations

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In my blog post “How To Self Love For Singles” – I wrote about 8 steps to achieving self love when you’re single.

I know how difficult it can be, and it had taken me many trials and errors to reach the self love that I have today. I’m also still working on it, constantly maintaining it – which is super important if you want to keep self loving.

The number one step I wrote in that blog post was ‘Self Love Affirmations’. I know that it really helped me and many others that I know. So I’ve compiled a list of affirmations which you can print and use for yourself. I also included a template if you would like to write your own list of affirmations.

Hope this helps with your journey to self love!

Happy self loving!

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay strong!
Michal B.L.

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Hey there! My name is Michal, I was born and raised in Israel, currently I live in a small city near Jerusalem. I'm a certified life coach, and in my Single Life Blog, I write about single life in all its glory and share Single Life Lessons to help you embrace yourself and your singlehood. I offer tips and advice for a better, happy single life, how to be independent, feel comfortable in your own skin and company, and how to not chase toxic people - all of which are based on my own 7-year single life experience.

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