10 Questions Singles Hate To Be Asked
The following 10 sentences and questions are actual, real life testimonies. They have actually been voiced aloud, not only to me, but my friends too. I even posted on singles groups on Facebook,…
TONYMOLY October Subscription Box Unboxing
An integral part of embracing yourself and singlehood, of developing a meaningful and significant relationship with yourself, is by maintaining that relationship. One of the best ways, in my opinion, to maintain the…
Changing the Consensus of Singles
Ever since I entered singlehood, I’ve received a respectable amount of remarks on my not being married and not having kids. Since I’ve turned 30, it’s only been even more intense. {This post…
Surviving Lockdown Ideas list and goals
In my blog post “Survive Lockdown Like A Pro“, I wrote five productive ways to survive lockdown – while single. Below you will find a printable and pin-able Idea’s List, which you can…
5 Ways to Survive Lockdown Like A Pro
{This post may contain affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at NO extra cost to you. See my disclosure for more details.} The whole world is in the same boat right now……
Chase No One Checklist
In my blog post “Chase No One” I wrote 5 tips to help you stop chasing toxic people, who don’t deserve you. I have created a checklist inspired by that post, which you…
Anxiety Relief Checklist and Affirmations for Singles
In my blog post “Anxiety Relief” I wrote about different methods for coping and dealing with Anxiety. I have created for you a checklist of things you can do everyday to help you…
My Day Planner for A Productive Lockdown
In my blog post “Single In Lockdown“, I wrote 7 steps for surviving lockdown while single – for overcoming the cons and focusing on the pros. I have created for you an example…
Going Ex – Mistakes we make with our Exes
Is it a mistake to get back with an Ex after a break-up? Yes. Yes it is. 10 biggest mistakes we make with our Exes post breakup. We all have that mythological Ex.…
Single in Lock-down
** check out notes at the end for a free printable day planner template 🙂 The pros and cons of being single during COVID – and how best to cope and overcome them.…